Braised Clams Without Fat Don’t Hesitate To Try
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Braised Clams Without Fat Don’t Hesitate To Try

Nutritional value of clams

Clams are foods that contain a lot of Vitamin A, B12, iron, zinc, protein, phosphorus… useful for health, especially for those on a diet. Clams are also used to prevent and support the treatment of a number of diseases such as: Preventing Alzheimer’s disease, preventing anemia, preventing arthritis, regulating blood sugar, good for teeth and gums, preventing osteoporosis, good for heart pulse, healthy and beautiful skin…

How to prepare clams

In order for the dish from clams to be completely delicious, you need to choose clams with a firm, hard shell. When choosing, you try to separate the clam shell with your hand, if it’s easy to separate, it’s dead, if the clam opens its mouth, you touch the clam with your hand, see the clam move or close, it’s a live clam.

When buying clams, you wash the clams and then soak the clams in water with a lot of salt and cut a few slices of chili. After 1-2 hours, the clams will release all the dirt and you wash them again to clean them. In addition, you can also soak the clams in water to wash the rice, but with this method you have to soak overnight to let the clams release all the sand.

How to make braised clams

Braised clams ingredients

– 1g of clams

– 200g lard

– Garlic, onion, green onion

– Fish sauce, monosodium glutamate, sugar, cooking oil

How to make simple braised clams

Step 1: Prepare ingredients

– When you buy clams, you should prepare them thoroughly as above. Then, peel off the clam meat. Or you cook a pot of boiling water, boil or steam the clams and separate the meat, but this will make the clams no longer sweet.

– You rub the lard with granulated salt and then wash it several times until it’s clean. Then, put it in the pan and stir-fry. Stir-fry until all the fat is removed, then you pick up the fat and put it into the guillotine.

– Garlic and shallots are peeled, minced garlic, and red onions are sliced.

Step 2: Marinate the clams

– You put clam meat in a bowl, marinate with 2 tablespoons of fish sauce, 1 tablespoon of sugar, a little MSG, ground pepper and mix well.

Marinate for about 30 minutes for the clams to absorb the spices.

Step 3: Clam stock

– Prepare an earthen pot, because the clay pot will make the stock more delicious. You put a little oil and sugar in the pot to create colored water.

– When the sugar turns yellow, add minced garlic and sauté until fragrant, then add the clams to stir-fry, see the fried clams hunt again, add about 50ml of water.

– Turn down the heat, cook until the water in the pot boils, then taste again to taste.

Step 4: Done

When the clams are almost dry, add 1 tablespoon of water and sprinkle evenly over the clams, then add thinly sliced ​​purple onions and open tops. Store for about 5 minutes, then turn off the stove. Add chopped scallions and ground pepper on top.

That’s it, the braised clams dish is complete! The succulent, sweet and tender clam meat combined with the crispy fat and rich broth will bring a very attractive meal. The dish will taste better when you eat it with hot rice!

Stir-fried clams with lemongrass and chili

Besides braised clams, fried clams with lemongrass and chili are also very popular. Let’s see how to make this dish!

Stir-fried clams with lemongrass and chili ingredients

– 1kg of clams

– Lemongrass tree

– Chili

– Garlic, red onion

– Fish sauce, sugar, monosodium glutamate, cooking oil

How to make fried clams with lemongrass and chili

Step 1: Prepare ingredients

– When you buy clams, you should prepare them in the same way as above to remove dirt. Then, you put the clams into steaming or boiling so that the clams just open their mouth, then turn off the heat.

– Lemongrass, garlic, chili you bring minced.

Step 2: Stir-fry clams with lemongrass and chili

– You put cooking oil in a pan, add garlic and saute until fragrant, then add lemongrass and minced chili to stir well. When the ingredients are fragrant, add the steamed clams and stir well.

– Season the dish with monosodium glutamate, fish sauce, and sugar to taste.

Step 3: Done

When the clams are cooked, turn off the heat and serve with white rice.

The sweetness of clams combined with the pungent taste of lemongrass and chili bring a stimulating taste and seductive aroma.

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