How To Make Fried Snail With Coconut And Stir-fried Lemongrass And Chili With Delicious Pain
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How To Make Fried Snail With Coconut And Stir-fried Lemongrass And Chili With Delicious Pain

Coconut fried snails

Ingredients for fried snails with coconut are needed for 4 people to eat

– 1kg of snails

– white wine

– 300ml coconut milk

– 5 lemongrass bulbs

– 20g of laksa leaves

– 3 garlic bulbs

– 1 tablespoon salt

– teaspoon of sugar

Instructions on how to make fried snail with coconut

Step 1: Preliminary processing of woolen snails and ingredients

– First, soak the woolen snails in rice water for at least 3 hours. After that, wash, dry, cut off the tail of the snail so that a part of the snail is inside so that when eating the snail, it does not get stuck.

– If you do not have water to wash the rice, you can also soak the snails with a few sliced ​​hot peppers.

– Sauté snails with half a cup of white wine to reduce the fishy smell of snails.

– Smash 2 lemongrass trees, chop the rest.

– Wash laksa leaves, cut into small pieces.

– Garlic peeled and chopped.

Step 2: Instructions on how to do it

– Put a pan on the stove, add 2 tablespoons of cooking oil to heat.

– For garlic, crushed lemongrass, and laksa leaves, stir once.

Then, add the snails and stir-fry on high heat.

– When the snails have just come out of the water, immediately remove the water and then add the coconut milk. If the snail juice is light and viscous, the first water should be removed. Only snail meat, fleshy, fragrant and has the fatty taste of coconut milk is the best.

– Season with salt and sugar to taste, rich to taste, add laksa leaves.

– Bring the water to a boil for about 3 minutes, add coconut milk, high heat for another 1 minute, then turn off the stove.

– Finally, just put the snails on a plate, add a few leaves of laksa leaves on top. Serve immediately when hot with bread – dipping snail lentils with coconut is absolutely delicious.

Stir-fried lentils with lemongrass and chili

Stir-fried snail with lemongrass and chili ingredients

– 1 kg of snails

– Lemongrass, chili fruit

– Salt, sugar, paprika, vinegar, garlic

Instructions on how to make fried snails with lemongrass and chili

Step 1: Preliminary processing of woolen snails and ingredients

– Snails bought and soaked in rice water, then add about 2-3 sliced ​​chili peppers to let the chili release mud and slime quickly.

– You soak the snails in rice water for about 3 hours, then pour the snails into another pot.

The shell of the snail also needs to be clean, so you have to wash it again. You wash the shells by wearing rubber gloves, then rub the snails vigorously against the wall of the basket until the water is clear, no residue, then the snails are clean.

– Put the snails in a large bowl, toss with 1 teaspoon of salt, 3 teaspoons of paprika.

– Lemongrass stripped of the hard outer stem, then washed, smashed.

– Add crushed lemongrass and stir-fry with chili.

– Peeled garlic, minced.

Step 2: How to cook fried snails with lemongrass and chili

– Put a pot on the stove, put 2 tablespoons of cooking oil in it, wait until the oil is hot, add minced garlic, crushed lemongrass and sliced ​​chili, a little vinegar to stir well.

– When the ingredients are fragrant, you just pour the snails into it, add 3 tablespoons of sugar, stir quickly for about 3 minutes, the sugar will dissolve, the snails will also absorb the seasoning. You should not stir-fry the snails for too long, it will make the snail meat tough and difficult to stir.

– Finally, you seasoning again to taste and then put on a plate to enjoy while still hot.

So you guys have just joined us to prepare 2 delicious dishes made from woolen snails, which is how to make fried snail with lemongrass and chili and how to make fried snail with coconut . With fried snail with coconut, you will feel the greasy taste of coconut milk and the sweet taste of snail meat that melts on the tip of your tongue. As for the fried snail with lemongrass and chili, there is the aroma of lemongrass, the spicy taste of chili adds a little spice to permeate each fiber of snail meat. No one will be able to refuse these two delicious dishes of snails.

There’s no need to paint the sea, but eat once, remember forever. Hope you enjoy it deliciously and don’t forget to share this special recipe with your loved ones too!

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