How to make grilled fish vegetable for a full dinner
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How to make grilled fish vegetable for a full dinner

How to make grilled fish vegetable for a full dinner
How to make grilled fish vegetable for a full dinner

Ingredients to make grilled fish and vegetable for 4-5 people:

– 1 fresh fish about 500g (fish of your choice according to your preference)

– 2 potatoes

– 2 large eggs

– 1/2 bunch of coriander

– 1 onion

– 3-4 tablespoons butter

– Spices: salt, pepper

– 130g Taky breadcrumbs

How to make grilled fish and vegetable for 4-5 people:

Step 1: processing of ingredients for grilled fish and vegetables.

– First, we will clean the fish first.

– You all beat the fish scales outside, then cut the belly off the fish gut out.


– Then you wash, drain and start filtering the fish meat, and you chop them out. For busy moms, you can buy filter fish in the market.


– Onions you peeled and diced small.

– Potatoes, you washed, peeled.

– Butter you melt into the microwave to melt butter.

– Wash your cilantro, remove the roots and shred.

Step 2: the steps to make fish and vegetables dish.

– First, we’ll boil the potatoes first.


– You put the potatoes in a pot and flood the potatoes with water.

– Then you put the pot on the stove, open the high heat and add a little salt. You guys cook until the potatoes are done.


– When the potatoes are cooked, take them out and let them cool, then peel off the skin.

– Then, you for freshly filtered fish into a bowl of potatoes and then use a puree forks. While grinding the mixture, you do not need to pay attention to the fish too much but it is important to puree the potatoes.


– In the next step, you prepare another bowl, you break eggs into the bowl and then add onions, coriander and breadcrumbs.

– At the same time, you taste about 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of pepper, mix well.

– After that, you put the potato mixture in the egg mixture, the crumbs we just mixed. Keep mixing it up.


– Next, you use a spoon to scoop the fish ball into pieces and then squeeze into the balls to taste as shown in the picture.

– The last step, we proceed to fried fish ball.

– You guys put a pan on the stove and pour the melted butter first into the heated pan.


– At that time, you drop each piece of fish cake into the fried.


– In the process of frying the grilled fish, pay attention to flip the fish to make it brownish on both sides.

– When the grilled fish meet the standard as well as have a great aroma, please take them out on a plate.


– Wait for the grilled fish to cool down, dip them with your favorite sauce.

Note when making grilled fish and vegetable:

– When you choose fish, whether it is fresh fish or filtered fish, you have to make sure they are really fresh.

– When fried grilled fish you pay attention just to medium or small fire, so the grilled fish will be cooked slowly, the color of the fish is also very beautiful, when eating grilled fish is not dry but very sweet and very delicious .

– With this method, we do not puree fish because when eating, you will feel more clearly the sweetness of fish meat, but depending on your preference, you can puree fish with vegetables.

– In addition to frying with butter, you can replace it with vegetable oil.

– grilled Fish and vegetables crispy fragrant makes just when starting to fry is enough to make you and everyone drool already. Grilled fish and vegetables not only contain more protein and other nutrients but also fiber, vitamins that are very good for your body, as well as reduce the fat of the dish. You should eat fish ball when it’s still hot to make it more delicious.

In addition to eating grilled fish and vegetables dishes at meals like lunch or dinner, you can definitely eat it at breakfast with a few slices of bread, fried eggs, etc. Very cheap and very nutritious, so moms, please take a moment to change the daily meal menu for the whole family.

I wish you success and have a delicious meal with grilled fish and vegetables!

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