How To Rotisserie Chicken On A Gas Grill
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How To Rotisserie Chicken On A Gas Grill

How to rotisserie chicken on a gas grill

Learn how to make this easy rotisserie chicken on a gas grill, and turns out incredibly moist and juice, with the crackliest, golden brown skin. There’s no overnight marinade or brining, just a simple dry rub and refrigeration for a few hours to dry out the skin for extra crispiness.

rotisserie chicken sitting on top of potatoes and onions in an aluminum pan
girl holding a rotisserie chicken attached to a spit, open grill in backround

This post is sponsored by Twin Eagles Grills, a year long partner of Heartbeet Kitchen. We have their 36 inch grill top with infrared rotisserie, on a portable base. Their meticulously engineered grills are as beautiful as they are high performance.

We’ve been cooking a rotisserie chicken on the grill quite often this summer, and ya’ll, I might just have to replace the Thanksgiving turkey with it. This is an an all in one, easy peasy meal. The chicken cooks above a pan of potatoes and onions, which prepare themselves in the juices that drip from the bird.

And just like that you’ve outdone yourself with zero effort.

whole chicken on a white plate with potatoes and onions underneath it, sprigs of basil tucked in

I’ve never made a juicer chicken, with incredibly tender white and dark meat! The skin is extra golden and crisp thanks to the rear infrared burner made specifically for using the rotisserie on our Twin Eagles Grill, rendering the fat slowly and basting itself with each revolution of the rotisserie.

This recipe takes the guess work out of making your own rotisserie chicken. There’s no liquid brine or overnight marinade, just some chill time, uncovered, in the refrigerator after seasoning.

How To Prep A Chicken For The Rotisserie Grill

raw whole chicken on a spit, on a white plate, person tying with string to truss

Important steps in making a rotisserie chicken on the grill including trussing it, and attaching it to the spit. The bird has to be trussed into a tight package and secured to avoid flopping wings and wobbly legs that will pull the bird loose from the spit forks.

  1. Pat the chicken dry, and insert the spit through the cavity,
  2. We watched this video to learn how to truss the chicken while it was on the spit, using butchers twine. You’ll want to cut the piece of string 4x longer than the length of the bird. It was easy and straightforward!
  3. Sink the 1st spit fork into the thighs. Slide the second spit fork on to the spit and push the fork into the bird’s breast meat just above the wings. Keep pushing until the bird is squeezed between both forks.
  4. Make sure the bird is centered on the spit, then tighten the second fork to lock the bird in place.
  • inserting clamps into a chicken that is on a spit for the rotisserie
  • raw whole chicken on a spit, on a white plate

Instructions for Cooking a Rotisserie Chicken on the Grill

  1. When your whole chicken is securely on the spit, you’ll want to insert it into the highest rotisserie place holder.
  2. Then turn the rear infrared burner of your Twin Eagles Grill to high (that’s how we get the crispy skin!), and start the rotisserie by pushing the button on the right hand side of the grill. It should rotate freely.
  3. Sear on high, with the cover open, for 30 minutes. Then poke a few holes in the skin to let the juices start running out of it gently, and giving the skin what it needs to become extra crispy. Cook on high for 20 more minutes, then turn off the infrared burner.
  4. Turn the left and right burners on low, and close the lid, keeping the rotisserie on. You’ll cook the chicken at around 300-325 degrees F, until the internal temperature the thickest part of the breast is around 165 degrees F.
  5. To finish crisping the skin, you’ll turn the side burners off and the infrared rotisserie back on, until skin is deep golden brown.
  6. Let rest for 20 minutes, off the grill. Then remove from spit and carve.
girl standing in front of a grill, with a chicken on a rotisserie
rotisserie chicken on a grill over a pan of potatoes and onions

How To Season a Rotisserie Chicken

As I mentioned, we’re keeping this recipe easy peasy. Chicken can be so moist and flavorful on its own, that I wanted to keep the seasonings simple.

First you’ll season generously with salt, then Watkins Organic Poultry Seasoning, rubbing it into the meat and outer skin. Half a lemon into the cavity, and that’s it!

How long to cook a rotisserie chicken on the grill?

Cooking a rotisserie chicken on the grill is measured by how long it takes to reach an end temperature of 180 degrees F, which also depends on the size of the bird. A larger bird will take longer. I like to use a 3 1/2 pound to 4 pound bird.

carved chicken on a white plate, with gold serving spoons. chicken is sitting atop small potatoes
carved chicken on a white plate, with gold serving spoons. chicken is sitting atop small potatoes

What To Make With Rotisserie Chicken

First, eat the chicken with the perfectly grilled potatoes and onions that have cooked in the chicken fat. I mean, crusty edged, fluffy potatoes.! The ultimate comfort meal. You could even add this Grilled Romaine Salad to get some green into the meal, too.

Then, the options are endless with the leftovers! One of the reasons I like to make a rotisserie chicken on the weekends is so we can use it throughout the week for other meals. Here are a few of my favorite recipes:

  • White Chicken Chili Skillet Dip
  • Bruschetta Chicken Pasta Salad
  • Easy Shredded Chicken Tacos
girl holding rotisserie chicken in front of garden. she is wearing white tanktop and grey shorts
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