‘Shocked’ before the introduction of dried cockroach snack
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‘Shocked’ before the introduction of dried cockroach snack

Recently, on the fanpage of a store specializing in distributing Taiwanese food, an advertisement for dried cockroach snacks is a new drink in this fall, with quite flowery ads to promote their products. such as: Goods in limited quantity, fully meeting 3 criteria: natural origin; No additives or artificial flavors, along with a stable source of ingredients. In particular, this dish is not only crispy and delicious, but also very rich in nutrition and protein, with wine, it is always “numbered”.

bao bì của món snack gián sấy khô

However, when reading this news, the Vietnamese online community got a “wave” because it was so…shocked! Immediately, the post attracted more than 7,500 shares and 21,000 comments expressing the fear of readers.

A lot of people have to “bow” to the person who invented this dish, because everyone knows that: cockroaches are insects that can eat all things decomposed from leftovers, human waste, book cover. and wooden cabinets, even… corpses of their own kind. Their habitat is also extremely dirty: sewers, toilets or toilets, etc., are not disparaging at all. In particular, they also have a mechanism to both eat and digest and spread bacteria that carry pathogens everywhere. So, who can bravely put in their mouth a piece of dried cockroach snack of natural origin.

hình ảnh thực tế của món snack gián sấy khô

Although, you know, every country has a few “horror” dishes that scare people: if Southeast Asians are super fond of duck eggs, Western diners feel “shudders”. , or Thailand is famous for countless dishes made from insects that make listeners “dumb”, even in Vietnam there are greasy coconut weevils, “swimming around” in a cup of water. fish sauce makes many people not dare to look straight.

trứng vịt lộn - món ăn gây sợ hãi như snack gián sấy khô
The duck egg dish that once made Westerners “shiver” is also a dish that causes panic as much as a dried cockroach snack (Photo @teddyandmino)
đuông dừa tắm nước mắm - món ăn kinh dị như snack gián sấy khô
The coconut worm will be very cute until it “wiggles” in your mouth (Image collection internet)

But those things will be nothing until this dried “small” dish is born in Taiwan. Even if you are a “crazy fan” of delicious snacks such as cheese, potatoes or onions, you will certainly not be able to love this dish.

However, this is not the first time cockroaches have been processed into food. Previously, in the provinces of Shandong, Yunnan and Sichuan China, dishes about cockroaches were processed and put on the table for diners to enjoy such as: cockroach sushi, cockroaches roasted with salt and pepper, or cockroaches roasted with tamarind… Given that cockroaches have a lot of protein, their use will save food in the future of humans. Hard to believe but very… reasonable.

sushi gián - món ăn rùng rợn ngang với snack gián sấy khô
Cockroach sushi is also quite a “scary” dish like that (Image collection internet)

Therefore, although it is a bit scary, cockroaches are also considered quite nutritious ingredients, so if you have a “big liver”, you can also order this weird dried cockroach snack to enjoy and share your thoughts. let everyone know.


Thai Ha (General) FoodVN.net

Photo: Internet

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